Nur Raudhah says ,

whooooo !
welcome to muah blogg .
do enjoy ur stay here ,
dont forget to leave a tag !
gooodbye ! (:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Sooo , here i am , updating my blog. But i update my blog as if people read it like that-.- Hah. I was doing nothing so i thought that might as well update my blog !
Umm... so my CA1&CA2 kinda okaay.. My CA1 was better than CA2. I feel i want to start studying again but then , im VERRRRRRRRRRRY lazy. Even just now my father asked me to study and i didnt even bother to listen to him. ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH ! Wheen will i ever change?

Hm, okay lets change the subject. Oh ,the photos above were when me and my sisters went out on Sunday :D I had so much fun ! We went to a games shop and played there for hours i tell you ~ HAHAH okay im boasting. We played wii. Then we went to shops around the games shop. Almost all of it were Blogshops(:

Well, i guess i have to go noww.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hey reaaaaders !

Sorry for the not updating my bloggg. I have experienced a heartbreak in JUST the beggining of the yeaar. Why did i even like that guy? He's a flirt. URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH , i just dont understand why i like him. Im so dummmmmmmb. And thenn whats worst is that he like my only friend whom i told about me liking himm. Whaaaaat a badd luck ! Pssh. Oh, just why God? Why must i experience this? :'( I want a guy who i like and he also likes me. When will this happen? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. FML...

Okay so lets change the topic. Hehek. My school is not fun but also not boring. So , lets just say its Average. My class is very irritating. But its good cuz during lesson it will not be boring due to their irritating.-ness Heh. And its alsoooooooo not good cuz its likeeeeee every week we have detention-.- My CCA is IFC(If you wanna know what that is ask me personally)

Actually, I have alot to say to you guys. But i have nooo timeeee. Hah. Geeeeeez.
Ohhh , i almost forgot . The pichaaaaas above were the pictures when i met Sabrina and Syahirah.
Well, I have to go nowwwwwwwwwww.



Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year Readers ! Hmm , on the 4th of January , school is starting! Im scared that i wont make any friends . Well, its bcuz' , i aint that , pretty,smart or either friendly. TskTskTsk.. Haish. Dont y'all feel sad cuz' school's starting? I do. Aghh. I will seriously feel nervous to even step into my new school !

But i love my school uniform :D hehe. And do you know the mixed feelings of Nervous&Excited ? Im feeling that now. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, Idk for whhhhhhhhut. Kay , Im talking SHITAZXZXZZXZXXZC here.

Actually, Im trying to make this post long. HAHA. (Tapi tak menjadi)

Fuck , I just remembered that I haven't iron my school uniform yet. Hah. Well , who cares ? xD Oh and i went out with Sabrina&Aisyah last Wednesday. Fun lah ofcourse ! Hahahahhahahahahah . K. So we went out to watch movie, thn we go try out our nail polish ard Open Plaza and we ate . Zwooooooooooooosha ~ K nonsense.

Well, since i have nothing to say anymore, i wanna go iron my clothess .



Monday, December 6, 2010

HEYYY !<em>

It has been likeee a longg time since i've update my blog . Haiyeer -.-
Oh yeahh ! i got my PSLE results and im thankful to god that my results were quite good :) Now im just waiting for my school posting . Pray for me that i will get the school that i want kay? Thankszxc !Huahuahua . Lol im currently watching SUPERMAN Im sooooooooooooooooooooo bored . Staying at home is BOOORING !
Hmm. What more do i wanna talk to u PPL ? I guess thats all for now .
Have a good day Everyone !

' Raaaaau

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


im superduper sorry for not updating my blog for a LONG TIME. i totally forgot about my blog ! muahahahha. and yeahh now that it's aft PSLE , i can totally relax ~ Haha. Now ive been runnin' into alot of frwnship probs. Okaylahh, lets stop being so EMO! im trying to write a long post... TRYING;) nyeeeeeeeet. Yeah school's been treating me fine. UMMMMMM. I duno wad to type alr........... And im soooooooooooooooooo nervous abt my PSLE results . i Wonder if i can goo express.

Pfft. Wish me luck for muahh results kay? Thanks.
thaaads all ;)


Thursday, July 8, 2010

[gt one more present frm akak. sry] Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey !

I've turned 12 yeasterday :O Thankyou to my family and frwns who made my birthday a wonderful one ! also, i went out wif Sya :D but i wont elaborate abt it.[sry lazy;p] And tday was SUCH AN AMAZING DAY ! we had free period as Ms Huda was absent. and sumone did some funny things that made me&Sarah Llaugh. we were laughing like mad. FUYOOOH. soooo tmrw myclass&theirclass are going for EXCURSION. HURRRAAAAAAAAAH! heeh:) ANDAND sooon its PRELIMMMMMSSSS.......-___-
so , Im done for now !


Friday, May 28, 2010

Everyday at school i Must See dat stupid A------------
Shes soo arrogant. I hate her damn muchh.

okay so about my results of SA1.
i FAIL MY MATHH. urghhh damn it!
lucklily my parents nvr scold [except for some nagging].
And NOOOOOOOOO! next week is the last week of school. i dun want June Holidayss.
later CONFIRM it would b very boring at home STUDYING.
BLEH~ [blame me for failing math]
okk. soo 26th May[past] was my mum's bday.
so tmrw My family and i are going Out to buy bday present!!!!
Hmm. So tday i went to research about Korea ppls.
I found put that most of them went for PLASTIC SURGERY! about 90% like dat:O I wonder if its truee..

Okay enough of chatting. im gonna do more research about them soo BYE~