Nur Raudhah says ,

whooooo !
welcome to muah blogg .
do enjoy ur stay here ,
dont forget to leave a tag !
gooodbye ! (:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Sooo , here i am , updating my blog. But i update my blog as if people read it like that-.- Hah. I was doing nothing so i thought that might as well update my blog !
Umm... so my CA1&CA2 kinda okaay.. My CA1 was better than CA2. I feel i want to start studying again but then , im VERRRRRRRRRRRY lazy. Even just now my father asked me to study and i didnt even bother to listen to him. ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH ! Wheen will i ever change?

Hm, okay lets change the subject. Oh ,the photos above were when me and my sisters went out on Sunday :D I had so much fun ! We went to a games shop and played there for hours i tell you ~ HAHAH okay im boasting. We played wii. Then we went to shops around the games shop. Almost all of it were Blogshops(:

Well, i guess i have to go noww.
