Nur Raudhah says ,

whooooo !
welcome to muah blogg .
do enjoy ur stay here ,
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gooodbye ! (:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hey reaaaaders !

Sorry for the not updating my bloggg. I have experienced a heartbreak in JUST the beggining of the yeaar. Why did i even like that guy? He's a flirt. URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH , i just dont understand why i like him. Im so dummmmmmmb. And thenn whats worst is that he like my only friend whom i told about me liking himm. Whaaaaat a badd luck ! Pssh. Oh, just why God? Why must i experience this? :'( I want a guy who i like and he also likes me. When will this happen? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. FML...

Okay so lets change the topic. Hehek. My school is not fun but also not boring. So , lets just say its Average. My class is very irritating. But its good cuz during lesson it will not be boring due to their irritating.-ness Heh. And its alsoooooooo not good cuz its likeeeeee every week we have detention-.- My CCA is IFC(If you wanna know what that is ask me personally)

Actually, I have alot to say to you guys. But i have nooo timeeee. Hah. Geeeeeez.
Ohhh , i almost forgot . The pichaaaaas above were the pictures when i met Sabrina and Syahirah.
Well, I have to go nowwwwwwwwwww.

