Nur Raudhah says ,

whooooo !
welcome to muah blogg .
do enjoy ur stay here ,
dont forget to leave a tag !
gooodbye ! (:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

NoRmaL DaY ...

Hello !! Sry I nvr post anymore bcuz I'm kind of lazy.. HUGE SORRY !! I'm also preparing for my school next year !! I can't wait to be eleven ~ I dun even realise taht I'm big ler..[Anyway, it turned out to be taht I'm still childish as ever >.<] OMG !! Time to buzz..


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

SLeepY dAy!

Today I have no idea why I'm soo sleepy.. Whenever I'm bored I'm always sleepy. Anyway, today my mum work but still, its gonna be a boring day.. Time to go!

One and only,

Monday, December 8, 2008

NeW DaY!

Hello!! Today my sis is back! I'm very bored today as my mum never work....
Yesterday quite fun when my cousins come, we played ghost and we lie down on the bed...Okay thats all guys! Buh-Bye..

One and only,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

CooKIng time!

Hi! Nw I'm helping my mum cooking coz later my cousins come ler.. After cooking I will dress then go take my sis at the airport from China. I can't wait to see her!

Thats all,

Almost midnight..

Nw it's almost midnight time but I'm still playing computer seyy.. Tomorrow nid to wake up early help my mum cook n do house choirs[Only some]!!:P Also my mother's cousin is coming to my house tomorrow I bet theres going to be alot of people in my house...Okay la, its muah time to go !!


Friday, November 28, 2008


HELLO!! Sry for not posting anymore..But nw since it is holiday, i will post everyday[NOT REALLY]..OK thats all..heyy anyway i've gt a new game for u to play..It is pLAy iT nOW bAbEs..

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Holaa! wOoOoOoOoO..Its gonna be hari raya in s'pore rite after fasting month..Cnt wait..Oh ya almost ferget tuh intro myself! Name: *******. Age:**. Country: Singapore. Area in Singapore: Tampines.

I am Friendly?
I am descripable????
I am a human,
Juz like u!

Created by: Real me!